Send Rakhi to USA to Come Over Geographical Barriers Hindering your Way to Celebrate the Festival

The event of Raksha Bandhan or Rakhi has evolved through the ages. Although the practice of tying a fragile but holy thread on Shravan Purnima or Full Moon Day remains the same, a number of things around it also have gone through changes. Rakhi is basically a celebration rejoiced amongst the Hindus, where the sisters tie a holy thread around the wrist of their loving brothers. The brothers, in return vow to take care of their sisters and give them a token of love with some exclusive gifts.

Down the ages, the celebration of Raksha Bandhan has seen a lot of transition, not only did the holy thread change in shape; size as well as design transitions were also visible. In today's world, where lots of responsibilities are getting high on priority list, many Indians are bound to live in USA or other continents. Thus celebrating Raksha Bandhan with families has become quite a tough task as there are geographical barriers.

Celebration like Raksha Bandhan and Indians are two things that have to take place anyhow and hence devising a way around it, sisters have started sending Rakhi to USA. Therefore the feelings are same only the way of celebration has changed. In the age of technical advancement, sisters send Rakhi to USA to commemorate this beautiful celebration.

In an era of Skype, Tablets & iPhones, now for those miles away, Rakhi tying remains limited to the online world. Given the time restriction, and the entire world turning out to become a global village, there are numerous brothers & sisters who cannot see each other for the celebration. This however does not dissuade them from using their gizmos to virtually tie the knot via a video. Even phone calls play a bigger helper on this very special day. Not only that apps are also built around the celebration to inform the next generation about the significance of festivals. On this day you can also send e-cards and virtual greetings. The endowing the sister with an envelope full of cash is outdated now as Rakhi Gifts vary from playstations to gadgets to designer dresses, designer bags etc.

Gadgets make really big gifts these days. For younger brother or sister, soft toys, flowers, cakes, chocolates and accessories make excellent Rakhi gifts. For others there are collections of brands together with various luxury items that make it a really great gifting experience. The Rakhi thread has also gone under transition and evolved with society. Initially Rakhi used to be a fragile thread made generally from mauli or coloured cotton. That led to a bit more designer and fancy Rakhi with beads as well as other embellishments. Precious and semi precious stones then started embed with rakhis. Nowadays however people choose silver, gold or even diamond for a Rakhi. Another new concept in terms of bhaiya bhabhi Rakhi also is emerging these days. However the festival and its customs remain untouched.

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